Elite meeting mindsets

A good friend of mine had a high-profile career at the very top level of AFL football administration. We were talking recently about what it means to be an elite player in a football team. Whilst any player who has made it into a top-level footy team is going to be a good player, he […]

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Make it easy on yourself

Like many people in the present circumstances, my partner and I are involved in a Friday night Zoom Trivia gathering to ease the isolation of lockdown. It links us up with our beautiful friends and challenges the grey matter in a healthy way. But the part everyone hates is the scoring.Over the past few weeks, we […]

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Personal and group productivity – the key to highly productive teams

Watching the Olympics is a lovely distraction at the moment, and as always, I am amazed about how passionate I become about sports that I have never even watched before. As long as there is an Aussie competing, I am all in! It is amazing to watch some of the team events, and to see […]

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If you need me to do something, ask me directly

So much of the work that we are responsible for involves asking other people to do things, or provide necessary information. And of course, it requires others asking us to do things or provide information as well. In the past, these requests would have been made verbally, by memo, or in more recent times, via […]

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When your preference becomes someone else’s problem

In a recent online presentation, one participant challenged me on the need to separate their filing system from their Inbox. You see, their preference was to just leave every email they received in their Inbox, and they just worked from that. They felt fine about having many thousands of emails in their Inbox, and strongly […]

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Moments of Impact

I know you are busy, but I want you to take a moment and do a quick exercise for me. Have a look at your schedule for the coming week. Then look at your task list for the week. Which of these planned activities, whether a meeting, task or communication, will have the greatest impact? […]

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The role of a leader in training

If you are a people leader, how do you show up to training with your team? At Adapt, we only run in-house training – that is, we run the training for groups within your organisation rather than running public workshops that individuals can book into. Some of this in-house training is with individuals from different […]

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My definition of productivity

I have been running personal and team productivity training for almost twenty years. Recently, a client asked me to run some training for their team, but they asked me not to call it productivity training, and not to use the term ‘improving productivity’. I was initially perplexed, but after a bit of explorative discussion, I […]

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Try not to waste group time

Today I wasted 1,000 minutes of other people’s time! That is 16.66 hours of collective time. Two full working days! I feel bad about this, even though it was out of my control. I was running a training webinar for a large group of 50 people. We were using Zoom, which is a platform that […]

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How The Oscars can teach us how to communicate

‘And the award for best picture goes to…La La Land’. Oops! Many of you will remember the terrible gaffe at the 2017 Academy Awards where Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway announced the wrong winner for the Best Picture award. It should have been Moonlight, and of course, it was Moonlight when the error was corrected. […]

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