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Everything will be the same but different

As I was driving to the shops, I wound down the window, and then thought what an antiquated phrase that now is. We don’t wind down the window anymore, we press a button, and a motor lowers it for us. Likewise, we don’t hang up the phone anymore, we press a button and the call […]

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Our role in making flexible working work

I read an interesting article in the Sydney Morning Herald the other day about some companies that had trialled a 4-day working week for employees with great success. In fact, after the trial finished, only one company out of twenty-six did not continue with the model. This got me thinking about what we need to do if […]

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Have I done enough?

Have I done enough? As the year draws to a close, I have been reflecting on what I have done, what I have progressed and what I have achieved this year. One of the questions in my mind has been ‘Have I done enough?’ Have I leveraged my time, energy and attention to the max […]

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Increase the heat of your intentions

Increase the heat of your intentions A friend of mine gave me a lovely compliment yesterday. We were having a conversation about a business strategy I was implementing, and he told me that he loved my intentionality. I asked him what made him say that, and he said “I just love the way you always […]

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Hold the line

There is a great scene in the movie Braveheart, where William Wallace, aka Mel Gibson, steadies his men on the battlefield, as the better equipped and larger English force bears down on them. As his rag-tag Scottish army stand in a long line waiting for the enemy, he calls ‘Hold, hold, hold the line’. His […]

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NOvember is here

A good friend of mine, Meredith Wilson, works with leadership teams to help them build and lead better cultures. I recently saw her post about what she calls NOvember, and I thought it was a brilliant idea. I asked her if I could share this idea to my readers and clients. She has made it […]

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Tell them what NOT to do

On the weekend I did one of my favourite things – built Ikea furniture. No really, I love it. It is like Lego for me, a creative exercise with step-by-step instructions. As usual, I got myself into a bit of trouble. About halfway into building a set of shelves, I ran into a dead end. […]

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It’s about getting started, and then to keep going

After three amazing months in Italy, it’s now back to working and living in Australia. One of my goals for the trip away was to improve my almost non-existent Italian, which I felt was important because my partner Vera is originally from Milan. Well, the time away has certainly got me heading in the right […]

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A twenty-year milestone

It is hard to believe, but twenty years ago today I went down to the Department of Fair Trading and started Adapt Productivity, a business that was little more than an idea in my mind and a passion in my belly. I remember the date vividly, as it was the 1st July, the first day […]

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Let the people you work with know your system

I am currently enjoying a three-month stint in Europe, part holiday, part family and part work. Myself and my partner Vera are mainly based in her home country of Italy but work recently took me to London to run a session for a UK based client. On my way back to Italy, I travelled through […]

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