// Smart Teams Masterclasses - Adapt Productivity

Smart Teams Masterclasses

Smart Teams Masterclasses are large group sessions, suited to intact teams who would like to create more productive team cultures. These masterclasses are an excellent next step for teams that have participated in the Smart Work program, but this is not a prerequisite.
Program Overview
Designed for Any team, division or organisation wanting to experience a sustained increase to productivity by creating a more productive communication, meeting or prioritisation culture.
Program Duration 2 hours
Program Size Large group presentation
Location Onsite, offsite or online

The Smart Teams masterclass series reduces the productivity friction that your team experiences as they go about their work. Each masterclass focuses on a different productivity culture, and will achieve the following outcomes:

  • Communication Culture: Enhance how your team use email and other tools to communicate and manage workflow
  • Meeting Culture: Improve how your team manage all aspects of meetings
  • Prioritisation Culture: Prioritisation Culture Masterclass will transform how your team prioritise and manage urgency
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Cultural change is never easy, especially in large, complex teams. But when it comes to sustained productivity and performance, it is essential. Culture is just a set of group behaviours and beliefs, and if not intentionally crafted, the culture can take on a life of its own, causing a massive amount of disruption to everyone’s productivity.

Your team’s communication culture, meeting culture and prioritisation culture may be causing too much distraction, busyness and reactivity. These productivity blockers serve to disrupt personal productivity and reduce the capacity of your team.

The Smart Teams Masterclass series turns:

  •   Distraction into focus – Communication Culture
  •   Busyness into impact – Meeting Culture
  •   Reactivity into proactivity – Prioritisation Culture

Each masterclass is designed in three stages to maximise the impact of the event itself, and to fully equip your team to create a meaningful cultural change.


“Dermot has been guiding our team through ‘Smart Work’ and ‘Smart Teams’ for just over two years. The strength and clarity of his knowledge and personal work practices flow into his books and training, and our results have been transformational. Team members experience a much greater sense of control and ease in their work days,…

Lesley McKay, General Manager Tasmania, The Smith Family

Adapt has helped me and many of my colleagues to improve our effectiveness and sharpen our focus by changing the way we use our technology. Dermot’s approach is straight forward, practical and produces immediate results.

Michael Rose, Chief Executive Partner, Allens Arthur Robinson

“While we all aspire individually to work smarter, it is not until you shift an entire team to achieve this that you realise the true scale and benefits. Smart Teams is an excellent reference for leaders and individuals alike. Allowing you to not only develop good habits, but more importantly create a team culture of…

Paul Gracey, Director-Printing Systems, HP

The tools we have gained from your course have got me well and truly out of that ‘hurry sickness’ cycle of reactivity. So not only has your course made me more productive, but it might just stop me dropping dead from a stress related heart attack too.

James Redgrove, General Manager - Safety Systems, Dreamworld Australia

Smart Teams Masterclass Series

Running a Smart Teams Masterclass is a powerful way to improve the productivity culture within your team, division or organisation. Your people will not only learn how to work better together, they will also walk away with a set of productivity agreements that will drive a change in behaviour and a change in culture.

The series is based on Dermot Crowley’s Smart Teams book, and is built around the three productivity cultures that we believe have the most impact on the productivity of your team: your communication culture, your meeting culture and your prioritisation culture. Choose between the communication masterclass that will revolutionise how your team communicates, the meeting masterclass that will reduce the burden of too many meetings, or the prioritisation masterclass that will create a more proactive, importance-driven culture.

Whilst it may seem appealing to try to work on all three cultures at once, we recommend that you don’t. Choose one culture to work on – the one that will have the most impact for your team, and focus on that for the next few months.

It takes time and energy to create a cultural shift. We will help you create a project to embed the right strategies and team agreements, and explore ways to keep everyone engaged and inspired until this new way of working becomes the norm.

Topics include:

Communication Culture

The 2-hour Communication Culture Masterclass will enhance how your team use email to communicate and manage workflow. Participants can expect to:

  • Understand which communication tools are best used in different situations
  • Consider more effective alternatives to email
  • Reduce communication noise across the team
  • Write effective communications that get read and actioned
  • Use Cc and Reply All with purpose
  • Reduce the distraction and reactivity of email
  • Create a set of team communication agreements
  • Create a healthier communication culture for your team

Meeting Culture

The 2-hour Meeting Culture Masterclass will improve how your team manage all aspects of meetings. Participants can expect to:

  • Understand when and when not to use meetings to get work done
  • Reduce time in unnecessary meetings
  • Consider more effective alternatives to meetings
  • Communicate a clear meeting purpose and agenda
  • Get the right people in the room
  • Plan, organise and run more effective meetings
  • Create a set of team meeting agreements
  • Create a healthier meeting culture for your team

Prioritisation Culture 

The 2-hour Prioritisation Culture Masterclass will transform how your team prioritise and manage urgency. Participants can expect to:

  • Understand the causes of unproductive urgency
  • Differentiate between reasonable and unreasonable urgency
  • Plan and work more proactively
  • Become more responsive and less reactive
  • Learn to respectfully negotiate urgency
  • Use both importance and urgency to prioritise work
  • Create a set of team prioritisation agreements
  • Create a healthier prioritisation culture for your team

Does it sound like your team needs this Masterclass?

Let’s catch up for a coffee, or have a chat on the phone. We would like to understand your needs, and we’re sure you would like to know more about our approach.

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