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The connection between attention and traction

Prefer to listen? Listen to Dermot’s audio recording below: Have you ever noticed the strong connection between attention and traction? The things that are front of mind for us, that are most pressing, that are holding our attention, are the things that tend to get traction and progress. Every day we shift multiple pieces of […]

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The time management myth

I was a participant at an online conference last week. During one of the sessions we were put into breakout groups for a discussion activity. I did not know the other people in the breakout group well, and some not at all. One of the group, unaware of the fact that I specialised in what […]

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Moments of Impact

I know you are busy, but I want you to take a moment and do a quick exercise for me. Have a look at your schedule for the coming week. Then look at your task list for the week. Which of these planned activities, whether a meeting, task or communication, will have the greatest impact? […]

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I need you to be responsive

In most situations, if I need something from you, I would prefer you to be responsive and take a week to deliver, rather than be reactive and take a day. That’s right, I would prefer that you took longer, but manage my expectations appropriately. You see, one of the most important elements in our working […]

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What to do when things get too busy

The Adapt team and I have been very lucky during this challenging time in lockdown as we have been able to successfully switch to high quality online delivery of our programs. Thank you to all our clients who have placed their trust in us to deliver great outcomes through our webcams! However, we have noticed […]

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We have more time than we think

Over the Christmas break I identified some jobs to do at home that have been hanging over me for a while. One of them was to clean out the walk-in food pantry in the kitchen. Over the years it has filled up with stuff, making it hard to find space for anything new.  Plus it’s always a challenge finding things once they’re in there.  So […]

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Against the wind

Well those drifters’ days are past me now, I’ve got so many more things to think about Deadlines and commitments, what to leave in, what to leave out Against the wind, I’m still running against the wind I’m older now but still running against the wind  Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band    I love that song – a classic from the 1970’s […]

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Find a way to love your work and your job

I talked to a client recently about his workload. He was telling me his typical day on the job would start around 6.00am most mornings. With back-to-back meetings to look forward to, this was the only time he could deal with the 400-500 emails he received every day. While I hear versions of this story […]

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Value your time

I turned fifty recently. I know – hard to believe when you look at me! I reckon I’ve done OK. I’m still fit and have kept most of my hair. Some say I may be getting delusional, but I’m not sure why. Anyway, turning fifty reminded me of a sobering and somewhat shocking exercise a […]

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