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When communicating urgency does not help

One of my colleagues in the training industry is Chris Meredith. Chris helps people to create, capture and communicate great ideas. When I was writing Urgent!, he shared a story with me about communicating urgency that I thought was worth sharing with you. I was once teaching a friend to skipper a yacht. We were […]

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Urgent! Video Series – 10: Do What You Say You Are Going To Do

My new book Urgent! was published on 1st August. In this series of videos I am going to unpack some of the key strategies for moderating unproductive urgency. In this video, Do What You Say You Are Going To Do, I cover delivering on your promises and commitments, and not forcing others to chase you […]

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Urgent! Video Series – 9: Commit Fully When It Is Truly Urgent

My new book Urgent! was published on 1st August. In this series of videos I am going to unpack some of the key strategies for moderating unproductive urgency. In this video, Commit Fully When It Is Truly Urgent, I talk about the importance of committing fully in your response when a truly urgent issue or […]

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Urgent! Video Series – 8: Minimise Distraction When Interrupting Others

My new book Urgent! was published on 1st August. In this series of videos I am going to unpack some of the key strategies for moderating unproductive urgency. In this video, Minimise Distraction When Interrupting Others, I cover how to interrupt others in a mindful and purposeful way to minimise unnecessary distractions.

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Urgent! Video Series – 7: Be Responsive, Not Reactive

My new book Urgent! was published on 1st August. In this series of videos I am going to unpack some of the key strategies for moderating unproductive urgency. In this video, Be Responsive, Not Reactive, I cover not reacting mindlessly to incoming work, emails and communications.

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Urgent! Video Series – 6: Use Appropriate Tools for Urgent Requests

My new book Urgent! was published on 1st August. In this series of videos I am going to unpack some of the key strategies for moderating unproductive urgency. In this video, Use Appropriate Tools for Urgent Requests, I talk about avoiding using tools like email as the only way to communicate urgent requests.

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Urgent! Video Series – 5: Don’t Always Expect Instant Service

My new book Urgent! was published on 1st August. In this series of videos I am going to unpack some of the key strategies for moderating unproductive urgency. In this video, Don’t Always Expect Instant Service, I cover having reasonable expectations around deadlines with your team, colleagues and peers.

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How a culture of accountability helps reduce urgency

The office I work from has several apartments above it. The rubbish bins in the car park are the responsibility of the apartment tenants, who should put them out to be collected each week. Because the landlord also runs a retail shop from the building, which has its own industrial bins, there is some confusion […]

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Urgent! Video Series – 4: Tell Them When You Need It By

My new book Urgent! was published on 1st August. In this series of videos I am going to unpack some of the key strategies for moderating unproductive urgency. In this video, Tell Them When You Need It By, I talk about always clearly communicating the due date or deadline when requesting work from others.

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Urgent! Video Series – 3: Avoid Creating Unnecessary Urgency

My new book Urgent! was published on 1st August. In this series of videos I am going to unpack some of the key strategies for moderating unproductive urgency. In this video, Avoid Creating Unnecessary Urgency, I talk about not leaving things to the last minute and therefore creating unnecessary urgency for others.

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