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The two unspoken productivity killers

I was asked to be a guest on the ABC Melbourne radio show The Conversation Hour last week. This was off the back of a video blog done by the ABC finance presenter Alan Kohler on productivity growth. He talked about the fact that productivity growth has been declining in Australia for decades. This was […]

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Reduce unnecessary CCs by empowering your team

Prefer to listen? Listen to Dermot’s audio recording below: I am noticing a recurring behaviour with many people who email me. I’m not sure if I’m noticing it because it is happening more frequently, or if it’s just grabbed my attention for some other reason, but it’s a behaviour worth talking about, as I believe […]

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Collaborative versus adversarial negotiation

So, here I am, back in Oz after our trip of a lifetime to Italy and Europe. So many highlights, both personal and from a work point of view. One of them was spending a weekend with our friends Tiziana and Eric in Amsterdam. They showcased their beautiful city so well, especially when they took […]

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When you don’t have your camera on

Something that I experience a lot, and hear my clients talk about, is online meeting participants not turning their camera on. Now, I know that with remote working, it can be hard to have what is happening behind us on show in a meeting. We might be forced to work from our bedroom, have kids […]

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If you need me to do something, ask me directly

So much of the work that we are responsible for involves asking other people to do things, or provide necessary information. And of course, it requires others asking us to do things or provide information as well. In the past, these requests would have been made verbally, by memo, or in more recent times, via […]

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How The Oscars can teach us how to communicate

‘And the award for best picture goes to…La La Land’. Oops! Many of you will remember the terrible gaffe at the 2017 Academy Awards where Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway announced the wrong winner for the Best Picture award. It should have been Moonlight, and of course, it was Moonlight when the error was corrected. […]

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