Treat meetings like Wagyu steak
Prefer to listen? As I mentioned in my last blog post, I am a bit of a foodie. Over the last couple of years, I made the decision that if I am going to cook a steak, I am going to cook the best, which in my opinion, is usually a Wagyu steak. Now, I […]
Read MoreOur role in making flexible working work
I read an interesting article in the Sydney Morning Herald the other day about some companies that had trialled a 4-day working week for employees with great success. In fact, after the trial finished, only one company out of twenty-six did not continue with the model. This got me thinking about what we need to do if […]
Read MoreTry not to waste group time
Today I wasted 1,000 minutes of other people’s time! That is 16.66 hours of collective time. Two full working days! I feel bad about this, even though it was out of my control. I was running a training webinar for a large group of 50 people. We were using Zoom, which is a platform that […]
Read MoreCreating equality in your hybrid meetings
We can all see how the way we work has changed in so many ways over the last year, and I believe we will never go back to the same way of working again. What the future of work looks like is still unclear, but one of the things I envisage being part of our […]
Read MoreIt is not all about you
I recently had a conversation with a senior client about her struggle to get her team to approach their weekly 1:1 meetings in a consistent way. She had started to use MS OneNote to share discussion lists with a couple of her team and was so pleased with the result she wanted to extend this […]
Read MoreStay in the loop and in control
I recently worked with the head of a consulting team in Sydney. He was receiving a large volume of emails every day and was struggling to keep up. During our discussions I discovered that he was CC’d on every email sent to his clients by his team. This resulted in him getting over three hundred emails every day! When […]
Read MoreLack of clarity causes friction
When you are not clear in your communication to me, it causes me friction. I then need to seek clarification from you, in turn causing you friction. Both of us incur wasted time and frustration because not enough care was taken with the initial communication. You may have thought you were being clear, but if […]
Read MoreMind the gap
I let the cat out of the bag a few weeks ago about my upcoming book Smart Teams. I am well and truly in the middle of a world of pain, with editorial deadlines, design meetings and writing. Lots and lots of writing. So, to give myself a bit of a break I thought I […]
Read MoreCollaboration tools: Useful, Usable and Used
Productive collaboration requires visibility across the team. To work well together, we need to have access to the right information, at the right time. We are sometimes managing complex work across multiple people in different locations. The more visible we can make this work, the easier it is to manage. The good news is that […]
Read MoreKnow what they need most
People depend on you for many things every day. There are work deadlines, deliverables and milestones, and it can be overwhelming when things start to stack up. My experience managing projects has taught me that it is vital you are crystal clear about your stakeholders’ most important requirements to successfully juggle multiple, often competing priorities. […]
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