Smart Teams Sample Chapter

How to work better together

Smart Teams is a follow-on book to best-selling Smart Work, published by Wiley in 2016. It aims to build on the personal productivity focus of Smart Work, and to help leaders, managers and supervisors create a culture within their team that will allow productivity to flourish.

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Whereas Smart Work looks at how each individual needs to work to boost productivity, Smart Teams examines how we work together in a more productive way. It looks at three core areas where workers come together and potentially drag each other’s productivity down – Collaboration, Congregation and Communication.

The books basic premise is that when we work together, we tend to create drag and friction which disrupts other people’s productivity, rather than working in a way that creates productivity flow. Smart Teams shows the reader how to create a set of team agreements that will encourage everyone to become more aware of the impact of their behaviours on other people’s productivity, as well as care enough to bother changing these behaviours. At the end of the day productivity is a leadership issue, and needs to be led at every level of the organisation. Smart Teams will provide a range of practical productivity guidelines and processes to help readers to delegate, negotiate workload, manage urgency, run more effective meetings, manage interruptions, make tele-conferences more productive, reduce email noise and harness the power of modern technology to communicate with others without becoming a productivity drain.

Like Smart Work, the Smart Teams book will also provide guidance on how teams can leverage technology to work together more productively.

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