Smart Work

Increase personal and team productivity

Increase Productivity, Achieve Balance and Reduce Stress

Personal productivity is about working in a way that gets results, but is also balanced, focused, proactive, and impactful. Unfortunately, many workers and managers in today’s busy workplaces are far from that reality. They are overwhelmed, distracted, reactive and stressed.

Smart Work has been developed with a specific focus on solving the productivity issues faced by modern workers.  It delivers practical strategies that can be applied to the best productivity tools at the fingertips of our participants, tools like MS Outlook.

We believe the best way to change behaviours is to take great productivity theory and implement it in great productivity technology. Many of the strategies covered in the program can be applied to MS Outlook, which allows participants to apply the learning directly to their real work in real time.

Smart Work also touches on using tools like MS OneNote, MS Teams and MS Planner when collaboration is needed.

Smart Work is built around three core personal productivity modules – Actions, Inputs and Outcomes. It also creates powerful personal productivity routines around Processing, Planning and Prioritising.

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