OK, this article will be short. But it will be done, and will be available for you to read. This is better than having it remain unwritten in my head, I reckon.
So, we all have too much to do. And sometimes that means that we get behind. And that causes stress. This article is a good example. I try not to live hand-to-mouth with articles and newsletter. I try to write the one that goes out in six weeks today, not the one due to go out today. But sometimes even I (he says with an ironic smile), get behind.
The story I tell myself when in this situation is that I need a couple of hours to craft the perfect message, with the perfect image that will create the perfect learning for you, my dear reader. But I don’t have a couple of hours to spare today. So here it is, a fifteen-minute musing on itself. How Seinfeld!
In my head this newsletter was longer, probably much better, and about how to focus a conversation to reduce the disruption of an interruption. (Look out for that in a couple of weeks). But I reckon that good and delivered is better than excellent in my head. I hope you agree.